Yes, we all do have different styles of blogging. There is not 1 style that would be exactly the same as another and also not 1 style that would be the correct way to blog.
We already know this, so why do we continually feel the need to update and tweak our blogs?
Yes, your right, to earn even more money! It's as simple as that.
Why do we want to read more blogs and learn more about blogging techniques?
Same, to earn more money.
You wouldn't be reading this otherwise!
For example. If you were a farmer and you decided to research and put into practice a new way of planting your crops then you would be hoping to either minimize expenses or maximize the crops' potential.
Same as blogging.
Why not get out there and try to earn more. The different types and styles of our blogs enable us to try as many ways as possible to earn more money. If we changed something or went a different way and our income dropped then we simply go back to the original style.
Makes sense huh! You bet.
There are so many blogs being written now that I sometimes feel that the audience is just not there. Maybe it's not.
But we keep on going because we either want to or we have to.
I think we fall into a certain category when thinking like this and then we automatically develop our blogs' style. The more unusual the style the more people would want to read your blog. ( This is how I think anyway )
My style is very direct and sometimes I keep my cards pretty close to my chest. You might not think this is the best way to go but I happen to enjoy writing like this.
Maybe I just need to stick to the subject matter a bit better.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Break from Blogging
Well, I haven't been here for a couple of weeks now so it is good to be back and able to post again.
I have been getting quite busy at my full time job and have been looking at moving into a different industry altogether.
Ideally I would like to be moving into Blogging and/or Marketing full time but unfortunately I don't have the funds to be able to sustain such a move at the moment.
I wonder how others who make the transition do it?
Maybe you could give me your insights and stories on how you finally moved into full time blogging or affiliate marketing and at what level your blogging income was at at that particular time.
Did you wait until you had built up a reasonable part time income ( enough to live on? ) or did you just dive in head first and hope that what you were doing was going to pay off before you ran out of enough funds to pay the bills?
I guess why I'm asking is that this is what I want to do but am not certain that I'm ready yet.
More research and trialling of ways to monetize. Thinking of valuable niche sites to start etc.
Getting back to what I originally am posting about, it's good to have a small break from what you're doing from time to time. We all take holidays from our 9 to 5 jobs so why not take a break from blogging for a bit.
I must say that as a result I'm feeling more optimistic about my upcoming blogging. As you can see I haven't made much money from it yet but as I'm just hitting the 6 month mark I have a renewed vigor.
The break has allowed me some time to further look at what it is that I eventually want out of blogging and also given me some inspiration after researching fellow bloggers and affiliates alike.
This break may be just what we all need from time to time.
I have been getting quite busy at my full time job and have been looking at moving into a different industry altogether.
Ideally I would like to be moving into Blogging and/or Marketing full time but unfortunately I don't have the funds to be able to sustain such a move at the moment.
I wonder how others who make the transition do it?
Maybe you could give me your insights and stories on how you finally moved into full time blogging or affiliate marketing and at what level your blogging income was at at that particular time.
Did you wait until you had built up a reasonable part time income ( enough to live on? ) or did you just dive in head first and hope that what you were doing was going to pay off before you ran out of enough funds to pay the bills?
I guess why I'm asking is that this is what I want to do but am not certain that I'm ready yet.
More research and trialling of ways to monetize. Thinking of valuable niche sites to start etc.
Getting back to what I originally am posting about, it's good to have a small break from what you're doing from time to time. We all take holidays from our 9 to 5 jobs so why not take a break from blogging for a bit.
I must say that as a result I'm feeling more optimistic about my upcoming blogging. As you can see I haven't made much money from it yet but as I'm just hitting the 6 month mark I have a renewed vigor.
The break has allowed me some time to further look at what it is that I eventually want out of blogging and also given me some inspiration after researching fellow bloggers and affiliates alike.
This break may be just what we all need from time to time.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Niche Topics

I have been thinking quite a lot lately about some subjects for niches with which to start an affiliate website. I've found this not as easy as I thought it would be.
There are so many subjects out there that it's pretty hard to actually pinpoint one that I feel I could eventually call myself the expert at.
I was wondering what the thought process must be behind some of the people that come up with all the big ideas. What do they spend there time doing. Do they really lock themselves in a room for hours on end & just think stuff up.
I think I might give it a try & let you know what I come up with!!
I have however come up with a few topics that I feel would be reasonably lucrative and have done some promising keyword searches. I am pretty excited about the results and feel that within a few weeks I will have my first affiliate site up & running.
I am looking at joining Ken Evoys SITE BUILD IT (SBI) network and using this program to build all of my sites from this point on. I haven't seen any other program or network that provides such a full range of details for building sites and I think for affiliates just starting out like myself that the investment would be worth it. At $350AUD it is quite a large sum so I'm taking it very seriously indeed.
Ideally within 12 months I would like to have at least 6 niche affiliate sites on the go so joining this network should pay for itself hopefully within a short time ( If I do things correctly).
SBI has so many features all wrapped up in 1 package that the ease of just having it all together is a big plus straight away. It also has heaps of information on finding and picking a niche that suits you and is SEO'd so that hopefully with a bit of hard work the money will start rolling in before to long.
Why not have a look at this program for yourself.
I'm not an affiliate of it so I'm not getting anything out of it for promoting it at all.
I'll update you all soon and let you know how it's going.
In the meantime I will keep searching for that ultimate niche subject. I might even be locked in a room for a few hours!!!
Good blogging.