Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Break from Blogging

Well, I haven't been here for a couple of weeks now so it is good to be back and able to post again.

I have been getting quite busy at my full time job and have been looking at moving into a different industry altogether.
Ideally I would like to be moving into Blogging and/or Marketing full time but unfortunately I don't have the funds to be able to sustain such a move at the moment.

I wonder how others who make the transition do it?

Maybe you could give me your insights and stories on how you finally moved into full time blogging or affiliate marketing and at what level your blogging income was at at that particular time.

Did you wait until you had built up a reasonable part time income ( enough to live on? ) or did you just dive in head first and hope that what you were doing was going to pay off before you ran out of enough funds to pay the bills?

I guess why I'm asking is that this is what I want to do but am not certain that I'm ready yet.

More research and trialling of ways to monetize. Thinking of valuable niche sites to start etc.

Getting back to what I originally am posting about, it's good to have a small break from what you're doing from time to time. We all take holidays from our 9 to 5 jobs so why not take a break from blogging for a bit.

I must say that as a result I'm feeling more optimistic about my upcoming blogging. As you can see I haven't made much money from it yet but as I'm just hitting the 6 month mark I have a renewed vigor.

The break has allowed me some time to further look at what it is that I eventually want out of blogging and also given me some inspiration after researching fellow bloggers and affiliates alike.

This break may be just what we all need from time to time.


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