Thursday, April 13, 2006

Addicted To Blogging

Says it all really. Seriously, I think I am.

I find myself waking up at night and going over things that I feel I could be blogging about or sites that I need to have a look at or even searches that I could make, keywords to add in searches etc.
So far I've stopped myself from getting out of bed in the middle of the night and jumping on the computer, mainly because I work nights as well, and spending hours in the dark but will the time come for me soon enough.

I'm sure that some of you do this and probably come up with some of your best work at these times. Is it because it's the best time to concentrate or maybe cause you've been lying in bed for a while thinking about what you're going to write about. Could you call this research or desearch?????

You have to make a decision as to what works the best for you as an individual. I find that I can put off what I've been thinking about until the next morning but most poeple may not be able to do this.

Getting back to being addicted, well I don't think that it's completely a bad thing in this case, It's not a drug, or is it???
Is waking at all hours and getting up really going to be good for you. Who knows, I'm not going to argue about this.
It could end up being a good thing for the bank balance if thats what your after.

Ask yourself are you addicted to blogging? If you answered yes, does it really matter?

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