Can content really be that important?
I have always thought that if you provided good fresh articles on your site then that would have been just as important as building multiple pages of pre-written content.
Who?s correct I hear you ask? Well both actually!
Let?s lay it all on the line. No one person has all the answers. Sure, most marketers may claim to have, but are you really going to trust them and have them involved with all your hard work? I didn?t think so.
By writing articles that are fresh and in line with the websites main topic you are always going to have something that will appeal to most people when they are searching the net. I personally would be more likely to keep returning to a website or blog when the content is fresh and being posted daily, and particularly if it was relavant in the first place.
If I was building a blog and I wanted to build up my sites content quickly then there are always article submission sites where you can get your content from. It may be harder to find your specific content but the hard work is virtually all done for you.
If your blog topic or niche is quite rare then you may have trouble finding a lot of on topic articles so my advice would be to stick with it and do as much research as you can. There could end up being an endless source of articles for you to reproduce.
For example, when I am doing research for my site I like to read older, more ?how to? articles and I tend to spend more time going over them and I may even cut & paste the most important parts of them to a word base document so that I can go back to them later.
However, I also like to read brand new articles or posts? that relate to my needs on the net.
It totally depends on the individual and what you are trying to achieve or learn.
What might work for me may not work for others and vice versa.
I guess what I?m really trying to say is that you can do what is right for you and for your own site without sticking with one particular thing.
Sure ?content is king? but there is no one type of content that is the best. If you find something that suits you and you are getting enough traffic then stick to it. You might want to think about throwing in the odd fresh article to your blog but if it work for you, then you will be king.
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