If you have any unused documents saved in the hard drive of your computer, you can upload them to Oboulo.com and make some money. Oboulo accepts any topic of document. The published documents are divided into 30 topics. If you submitted a topic that doesn't fit in any of the existing topics, they will create one specifically for your document.
You will be paid $10 for each published document on Oboulo knowledge database. The document publication isn't immediate. All your submitted documents will be reviewed first before publication. After your document was reviewed and approved, Oboulo will publish it and pay you $10.
What kinds of documents Oboulo is looking for?
They are interested to post documents like reports, term papers, case study, market analysis etc. They don't publish personal pages, websites or video content. The document needs to be original (not copied from other material) and it must be long enough - between 5 to 20 pages.
If you like to learn more about this opportunities, visit:
They provided some helpful tips to increase the chances of authors' document to get accepted. And if you have any questions, you may go to their FAQ pages; you might find your answer there.
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